This section pertains to frequent drops or disconnects of Internet where the router may sometimes need to be rebooted to resume service. For TV buffering, refer to the slow Internet section.
If this issue occurs every day, contact support at 888-425-3656 as there may be something wrong with the router.
There is a reboot script that can be installed on the modem to help mitigate the issue by automatically rebooting when a drop is detected. Follow the instructions below to install.
Log into the modem by going to
username: admin
password: admin
Then click “Administration” on the left side-panel.
The click on the “Console” Tab.
Copy the following command by highlighting it, right-clicking, then selecting copy. Then paste it into the top empty box in the console. Then hit the blue Refresh button.
echo ‘*/5 count=$( ping -c 4 | grep -E “time=([0-9])” | wc -l);if [ $count == 0 ];then reboot;fi’ | crontab –
It’s normal for nothing to change visibly. wait for 5-10 seconds to make sure the command processes, then clear the top box by selecting the command you just pasted then hold backspace/delete until empty.
Last step.
Make sure everything worked by copy-pasting this final command:
crontab -l
You should see the long command you copy-pasted before now shown in the console box below.
Reboot device by clicking the ⟳ symbol in the top right.
Net All Over was founded by one of the innovators of Wireless Internet (Wi-Fi) service, having designed one of the first outdoor wireless Internet networks in the U.S. in 1996. Our goal is to provide high-speed Internet service to rural or low-service areas that either have no competitive alternative – OR – have no high-speed choice at all.
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