In a web browser, type into the URL bar at the top.
Password: 1234554321Username (if needed): root
1. Click modify.
2. Change Channel to Auto.
3. Leave the Wi-Fi Name (SSID) and Wi-Fi Key on default or change them to whatever you wish.
4. Hit apply.
5. Repeat the above steps for the 5Ghz Wi-Fi below.
Applications – Remote Access
1. Enable GoodCloud.
2. Drop down to America.
3. Check yes on agreement.
4. Hit apply.
More Settings – Time Zone
1. Hit Sync or change the time zone to America/Chicago.
2. Hit Apply.
Net All Over was founded by one of the innovators of Wireless Internet (Wi-Fi) service, having designed one of the first outdoor wireless Internet networks in the U.S. in 1996. Our goal is to provide high-speed Internet service to rural or low-service areas that either have no competitive alternative – OR – have no high-speed choice at all.
For inquiries: support@netallover.com